Reservation Inquiry

Reservation Inquiry

Ride the LVRT right from the Sugar Ridge property!

Thank you for taking the time to fill this form out. Your reservation will only be confirmed once we have spoken on the telephone and the required deposit is received. You can expect to hear back from us in 24 to 48 hours.

    First and Last Name: (required)

    Phone: (required)

    Alternate Phone:

    Your Email: (required)

    Preferred Method of Contact:


    Address, City, State, Zip Code (required)

    Date of Arrival: (required)
    Simply hover your mouse over to the right. Click on the down arrow.
    It will display a calendar for you to choose your dates from.

    Date of Departure: (required)

    Number of Adults: (required)

    Number of Children: (required)

    Number of Pets: (required)

    Preferred Site Type:
    Tent SiteWater & ElectricWater, Electric & SepticWater, Electric, Septic & Cable

    Camper Size: (required)

    How did you hear about us?

    Notes: Please indicate any special needs or requests.

    Thank you for taking the time to fill this form out. Your reservation will only be confirmed once we have spoken on the telephone and the required deposit is received. You can expect to hear back from us in 24 to 48 hours.